Sunday, November 15, 2015

2nd Installment of 101 Things in 1001 Days

Details: Start date: November 15, 2015 End Date: August 11, 2018
               Document each one as a blog post, as applicable (beginning with #1).

Re-visit every 6 months

101 Things in 1001 Days

1) Think of 101 things
·        This was HARD
2) Send pitches to 20 agencies for For Blood and Wine
3) Show appreciation once a month for Mr. V (in whatever means)
4) Play cards with Mr. V once a week
5) Have date night once a month (and review it)
6) Write 5x weekly (in some way)
7) Write and finish Luca 
8) Write and turn finished Luca into graphic novel
9) Write and get paid for freelance
10) Write and compile book of essays/poem
11) Write and finish screenplay
12) Write President Obama a handwritten letter
13) Write Margaret Atwood a handwritten inspiration letter
14) Write and send handmade birthday cards
15) Write my 35 yr old self a letter (open on 35th birthday – 8/5/2020)
16) Build a library/office
17) Read 4 books a month (0/132)
18) Read Autobiography: Volume 1 of Mark Twain
19) Read and finish Emma – perhaps even start over, as I may have lost my desire for it
20) Read  more comic books
21) Watch Red Sox play in Boston
22) Watch Yankees play in New York
23) Watch Pirates play in Pittsburgh
24) Watch Flyers play in Philadelphia
25) Watch boxing match live
26) Watch meteor shower (or spend a night watching for shooting stars)
27) Attend an opera
28) Attend a symphony
29) Attend a play
30) Attend a ballet
31) Yoga/Barre classes 2x a week 
32) Begin running once a week
33) Compete in Mud Run
34) Volunteer at a soup kitchen [on a non-Thanksgiving Day, and non-work function]
35) Travel to Mexico – Planned for April 2016
36) Travel to Europe – Not otherwise stated below
37)  Austria
38)  Croatia
39)  Czech Republic
40)  France
41)  Germany
42)  Iceland
43)  Ireland
44)  Italy
45)  Spain
46)  Scotland
47) Travel to Japan - Tokyo and Kyoto (planned for 2016)
48) Travel to Africa - Not otherwise stated below (preferably 2018)
49)  Egypt
50)  Kenya
51)  Morocco
52)  Tanzania
53) Travel to China - Shanghai (preferably 2017)
54) Travel to Canada - Not otherwise stated below  (preferably 2017)
55) Alberta
56) British Colombia
57) Travel via a road trip – Western United States
58) Travel to the 9/11 Memorial
59) Travel to the White House
60) Travel to San Diego Comi-Con
61) Visit 5 museums
62) Visit an apple orchard
63) Visit the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum – Cooperstown, New York
64) Go camping/glamping
65) Go hiking for the day
66) Eat at Le Bernardin
67) Eat at Morimoto’s
68) Eat and host dinner party
69) Eat and make a recipe from Julia Child’s cookbook (Bonus for a special occasion)
70) Eat and make dinner at least 3x weekly
71) Eat and make breakfast each weekend
72) Find 10 vegetarian recipes [that Mr. V will eat]
73) Eat Maine lobster in Maine
74) Eat Maryland soft shell crab in Maryland
75) Eat New England clam chowder in New England
76) Eat no sugar for 1 month (or for as long as possible)
77) Eat no meat for 1 month
78) Learn to subsist on less sleep  (no curfew, but an alarm in the morning)
79) Learn to sketch
80) Learn and make signature cocktail
81) Learn and master Crock-pot skills
82) Learn to skate backwards
83) Learn to make an over easy egg by flipping
84) Learn and beat Mr. V at a video game
85) Learn to not be timid of voicing my political stances
86) Learn to have a green thumb – have more plants in apartment
87) Own all Neil Gaiman works
88) Own a new camera 
89) Take more photos – learn the ways of photography on a deeper level
90) Wear a pink/silver wig – or perhaps have pink hair?
91) Disconnect from society for weekend (Bonus for holiday weekend)
92) Adopt an animal
93) Try acupuncture
94) Spending freeze for 90 days
95) Get *quod me nutrit me destruit * tattooed
96) Get the Deathly Hallows tattooed
97) Get Angie’s birthday tattooed
98) Get *in vino vertias* tattooed
99) Remove KHLIL
100) Pay off debt
101) $10 for every goal/item accomplished (1/101)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You've seen the Flyers play in Philadelphia, and if you want help on some of these, let me know - I've got some matching items on my list!
