Saturday, July 20, 2013

First Revisit of 101 Things in 1001 Days

Revisit #1 - Original list here
Next Revisit - January 20, 2014

So I was talking with Mr. V. about trying to accomplish this as a whole, 
and being the analytic thinker he is, 
he said that it's one thing on the list every 10 days. 
That got me thinking, 
because that's a lot, 
and more so, 
I'm behind. 
So without making excuses, 
I plan on doing quite a few of them, 
at least by the end of the month, 
and then in August,
and September. 

101 Things in 1001 Days

1) Think of 101 things (Post here)

2) Average yoga classes 3x a week (currently on Namaste Yoga with Dr. Melissa West)

3) Go see Nationals play in Washington, DC

4) Go see Red Sox play in Boston

5) Go see Phillies play in Philadelphia (happening in August 2013)

6) Go see Yankees play in New York

7) Go see Mets play in New York

8) Go see Pirates play in Pittsburgh

9) Go see Flyers play

10) Have sit down with closet-Determine true casual and professional style (might require the help of Mr. Harris) editor's note: this is almost done - I've come to the conclusion that I'm casual chic.

11) Buy/Invest new camera

12) Send pitches to 20 agencies for Blood and Wine

13) Go to Le Bernardin

14) Raise another pet (fish included) (happened June 2013; thanks Michelle! his name is Jacque, and he's a betta)

15) Attend Neil Gaiman signing (Post here)

16) Host dinner party

17) Read 1 book a month (7/33)- (Posts for these can be seen here)

18) Attend a boxing match

19) Host Game of Thrones premiere party

20) Go to 1/3 restaurants on my list - EDIT: list no longer exists. went to ink. I have Le Bernadin in my sights now... so debating on deleting this one, or just crossing it of

21) Blog once a week per blog

22) Go camping/glamping

23) Try new recipe once a week

24) Finish bedroom redesign

25) Create office

26) Go to Dewey Beach in summer (this may happen with a caveat: same area but not "Dewey")

27) Master Crock-pot skills

28) Go international

29) Go on international cruise

30) See Minnesota friends

31) Visit 5 museums

32) Get glasses (happened July 2013)

33) Get a massage (happened February 2013)

34) Try acupuncture

35) Send handmade birthday cards

36) Collect all Neil Gaiman works

37) See the ballet

38) See the opera

39) Find 10 vegetarian recipes [that Mr. V will eat]

40) Perfect No. 39 recipes

41) Go hiking for the day

42) Get a raise (happened twice: in January 2013, 3% and will again August 2013, 10%)

43) Get debt to half ($14,833 as of 7.20.2013) -

44) Buy new computer (or help buy new computer for Mr. V)

45) Learn to skate backwards

46) Attend MJ’s wedding (this may seem like a given, but anything can happen, so I want to make it a priority)

47) Visit LA 3x in 2013 (1 out of 3, March 6-9)

48) Visit California 2x in 2014

49) Visit California 2x in 2015

50) Organize books (in preparation for Bucket List item of Build a Library) (happened June 2013)

51) Attend a football game (college OR pro)

52) Have Maine lobster in Maine

53) Have Maryland soft shell crab in Maryland

54) Have New England clam chowder in New England

55) Learn to roast pork

56) Find way to harass Republicans (emails/letters). Repeat. Often.

57) Visit the 9/11 Memorial

58) Go to the White House

59) Write President Obama a handwritten letter

60) Write Margaret Atwood a handwritten inspiration letter

61) Give up sweets for Lent

62) Do cleanse

63) Buy a house (this will probably be more closely to end of 2015, but I was very inspired by a friend’s birthday party last night)

64) Volunteer at a soup kitchen [on a non-Thanksgiving Day, and non-work function]

65) Get promoted (happened July 18, 2013; post coming soon, dinner tonight!)

66) Understand my spirituality

67) Finish Luca

68) Turn finished Luca into graphic novel

69) Get paid for freelance

70) Take nude [art] photos

71) Learn Excel

72) Learn Photoshop

73) Give up soda (regular AND diet) for one month (currently in the middle of this one; to be finished July 31)

74) Read Autobiography of Mark Twain

75) Make a recipe from Julia Child’s cookbook (Bonus for a special occasion)

76) Be leveled to advanced yoga master

77) Complete a Mud Run

78) Write a love letter once a month for Mr. V

79) Visit an apple orchard

80) Build bar cart with premium whiskey/scotch/brandy

81) Learn to make an over easy egg by flipping

82) Begin running once a week

83) Maintain once a week running

84) Move to 2x a week running

85) Have a friend visit and stay in Delaware

86) Go to Atlantic City (to be completed in September, when my mom comes out)

87) Beat Mr. V at a video game

88) Have picnic in Central Park

89) Shoot a gun at a range

90) Learn to make [perfect] apple pie

91) Write a letter to my 30yr year self to open on my 30th birthday (completed on July 16, 2013 to be opened on August 5, 2015)

92) Wear a pink/silver wig (happening in September 2013, for Vegas)

93) Find perfect lip color (and wear it!)

94) Own one Tom Ford piece

95) Make signature cocktail

96) Go one month without eating takeout (include Mr. V as much as possible)

97) Spend one weekend unplugged

98) Finish Emma (my dad gave me this book for my 18th birthday, I have yet to move past 1/2 way)

99) Watch meteor shower (or spend a night watching for shooting stars)

100) Compile book of essays/poems

101) $10 for every goal/item accomplished (9/101)

Sunday, January 20, 2013

101 Things in 1001 Days

I seem to be inspired by quite a few blogs lately- mostly about their goals, what they're thankful for... And it helps me reassess my own situation, put things into perspective. So, one blogger began her list, and it inspired my own short term list, contributing to a lot of items on the life Bucket List

I hand wrote them to begin, and then changed a few as I typed them up. A lot self-improvement and experience, and some are monetary- I tried to keep the monetary ones minimal, but some truly did require it. The travel ones came easily because I, simply speaking, like to travel. Blame my mom. And I tried to have my list include as much experience experienced with Mr. V. 

Details: Start date: January 20, 2013. End Date: October 19, 2015
               Document each one as a blog post, as applicable (beginning with #1).
               Re-visit every 6 months.  

101 Things in 1001 Days

1) Think of 101 things

2) Average yoga classes 3x a week (currently on Namaste Yoga with Dr. Melissa West)

3) Go see Nationals play in Washington, DC

4) Go see Red Sox play in Boston

5) Go see Phillies play in Philadelphia

6) Go see Yankees play in New York

7) Go see Mets play in New York

8) Go see Pirates play in Pittsburgh

9) Go see Flyers play

10) Have sit down with closet-Determine true casual and professional style (might require the help of Mr. Harris)

11) Buy/Invest new camera

12) Send pitches to 20 agencies for Blood and Wine

13) Go to Le Bernardin

14) Raise another pet (fish included)

15) Attend Neil Gaiman signing

16) Host dinner party

17) Read 1 book a month (2/33)

18) Attend a boxing match

19) Host Game of Thrones premiere party

20) Go to 1/3 restaurants on my list - EDIT: list no longer exists. went to ink.

21) Blog once a week per blog

22) Go camping/glamping

23) Try new recipe once a week

24) Finish bedroom redesign

25) Create office

26) Go to Dewey Beach in summer

27) Master Crock-pot skills

28) Go international

29) Go on international cruise

30) See Minnesota friends

31) Visit 5 museums

32) Get glasses

33) Get a massage

34) Try acupuncture

35) Send handmade birthday cards

36) Collect all Neil Gaiman works

37) See the ballet

38) See the opera

39) Find 10 vegetarian recipes [that Mr. V will eat]

40) Perfect No. 39 recipes

41) Go hiking for the day

42) Get a raise

43) Get debt to half ($16,233 as of 2/12/2013)- re-visit every six months

44) Buy new computer (or help buy new computer for Mr. V)

45) Learn to skate backwards

46) Attend MJ’s wedding (this may seem like a given, but anything can happen, so I want to make it a priority)

47) Visit LA 3x in 2013 (1 out of 3, March 6-9)

48) Visit California 2x in 2014

49) Visit California 2x in 2015

50) Organize books (in preparation for Bucket List item of Build a Library)

51) Attend a football game (college OR pro)

52) Have Maine lobster in Maine

53) Have Maryland soft shell crab in Maryland

54) Have New England clam chowder in New England

55) Learn to roast pork

56) Find way to harass Republicans (emails/letters). Repeat. Often.

57) Visit the 9/11 Memorial

58) Go to the White House

59) Write President Obama a handwritten letter

60) Write Margaret Atwood a handwritten inspiration letter

61) Give up sweets for Lent

62) Do cleanse

63) Buy a house (this will probably be more closely to end of 2015, but I was very inspired by a friend’s birthday party last night)

64) Volunteer at a soup kitchen [on a non-Thanksgiving Day, and non-work function]

65) Get promoted

66) Understand my spirituality

67) Finish Luca

68) Turn finished Luca into graphic novel

69) Get paid for freelance

70) Take nude [art] photos

71) Learn Excel

72) Learn Photoshop

73) Give up soda (regular AND diet) for one month

74) Read Autobiography of Mark Twain

75) Make a recipe from Julia Child’s cookbook (Bonus for a special occasion)

76) Be leveled to advanced yoga master

77) Complete a Mud Run

78) Write a love letter once a month for Mr. V

79) Visit an apple orchard

80) Build bar cart with premium whiskey/scotch/brandy

81) Learn to make an over easy egg by flipping

82) Begin running once a week

83) Maintain once a week running

84) Move to 2x a week running

85) Have a friend visit and stay in Delaware

86) Go to Atlantic City

87) Beat Mr. V at a video game

88) Have picnic in Central Park

89) Shoot a gun at a range

90) Learn to make [perfect] apple pie

91) Write a letter to my 30yr year self to open on my 30th birthday

92) Wear a pink/silver wig

93) Find perfect lip color (and wear it!)

94) Own one Tom Ford piece

95) Make signature cocktail

96) Go one month without eating takeout (include Mr. V as much as possible)

97) Spend one weekend unplugged

98) Finish Emma

99) Watch meteor shower (or spend a night watching for shooting stars)

100) Compile book of essays/poems

101) $10 for every goal/item accomplished (3/101)